Well I TOLD YOU that THE WARRIORS rules. But Irish, try if possible to watch the superior theatrical edit. I believe its still in circulation.

What was superior about it to the "Director's Cut" is the fact that with the DC, Walter Hill wanted to insist in the comic book idea of THE WARRIORS.

Which is fine, except its not needed. The story and the masculine action pulp narrative itself is comic bookish enough as it is. Its like squirting chocolate syrup over chocolate ice cream. It's not needed.

Plus, the DC to me did a weak job in the introduction of the Furies. In the DC, its some cutesy "Holyshit, its the Furies!" or whatever nonsense.

But in the theatrical edit, its just so cooler. When we first see the Furies arming themselves with their baseball bats, they're laughable. I mean, guys dressed up as Yankee/Mets rejects in full face paint. How could you take THAT seriously?

Then when the Warriors break through the subway, they are silently confronted by the Furies, and we realize it. The Furies are bastard stalkers that don't need to waste energy talking threats in order to intimidate you. It's something when the big mouth fight-all-the-time Ajax even agreees that fleeing is a good option.

Anyway Irish, play the really fun as hell video game from Rockstar Games as well.