Escape From New York * 1/2
(First Viewing)

The year is 1997. Due to huge crime rates, the United States turns its once great city of New York into a maximum security prison where hardcore criminals are put for life. All the bridges leading into the city are mined, a large wall is built along the shoreline and a large police force army is based there to stop or kill any attempted escapees. En route to a conference, the President, on board Air Force One, is forced to eject in a pod when a female terrorist takes over the controls and crashes the plane into a building. A new prisoner, ex-soldier Snake Plissken is offered his freedom if he goes in, frees the President and finds a tape with important information for the conference. Snake agrees but to ensure his co-operation he is injected with a small but powerful explosive that will only be destroyed if his mission isn't successful. Snake must set out into the decaying city, filled with immoral criminals, and he must succeed - for his own life.

I just don't see Kurt Russell as an action star. I like some of his work but he just doesn't do good action movies IMO (from what I've seen thus far). I thought the idea was good but poorly executed on screen. Very cheesy with some bad costumes, sets, etc. And as much as this may pain our own Snake member, I found the character to be rather dry. I would say this deserves a remake more than The Warriors. Maybe Tony Scott will change his mind although I doubt it. I personally would rather see a remake of this than The Warriors.