The Warriors *** 1/2
(First Viewing)

Cyrus, the messianic leader of the largest gang in New York, declares a truce and calls a summit with all the major gangs in attendance. During the meeting, he expresses his wish to unify all the gangs into one large super-gang. During the summit, Cyrus is assasinated and the murder is pinned on a member of a gang known as the Warriors. Now, all the other gangs are hunting the Warriors down before they can prove their innocence. "CAN YOU DIG IT?"

Well ronnie, you were right for a change, I REALLY did dig The Warriors. I watched the Director's Cut so I don't know how much was added back to the film, but whatever the case maybe, this was a pretty darn good movie. The story was just so fascinating and kept me glued to the screen. I also loved the comic book style panel between scenes. A good cast with James Remar as Ajax being the most recognizeable to me. I'm looking forward to Tony Scott's remake, although I do question what he can improve on? My biggest beef with the potential remake is the fact that it'll take place in L.A. and not New York