One of my favorite funny Godfather scenes occurs in the original movie. It's Sunday dinner at the Corleone house and everyone (sans Vito, who is upstairs in bed resting after coming home from the hospital) is at the dinner table.

This is not verbatim but it's what I remember:

Sonny: Those N---- up in harlem are having a good time with those policy banks, driving those Cadilac's

Carlo: I knew that was gonna happen when they started making big money.

Connie: Papa never talked business at the table.

Carlo: Shut up Connie!

Sonny: Don't you ever tell her to shut up.

Mama Corleone: Santino, don't interfere.

Carlo: Sonny, Tom, I'd like to talk to you about doing more for the family.

Sonny: We don't discuss business at the table.

A close second is in II when Hyman Roth tells Michael: "We're bigger than U.S. Steel."

It's not personal, it's strictly business.