6:30 PM - Filmmaker John Singleton on the red carpet. After BOYZ N THE HOOD, his career was sporadic with decent-if-forgettable efforts (POETIC JUSTICE) and outright garbage (the SHAFT remake, 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS). However, I really enjoyed the hell out of his 2004 blaxploitation-inspired B-action movie FOUR BROTHERS.

Anyway, really liked his comments on Scorsese's expected triumph tonight. Very gracious. Now if Singleton can get LUKE CAGE made....

6:33 PM - With 90 minutes before Showtime, the Limos are piling up. Imagine if gangbangers ever use Limos for hit & run jobs? Yeah, I could so see a fight between the gangs that dominate Hollywood: ACC (Abused Children of Celebrities) and the RR (Rehab Renegades). Oh no, I see Christian Brando and Isiah Washington duking it out on the street corner! My money is on the former convict.

6:36 PM - Al Gore now on the red carpet. When INCONVENIENT TRUTH wins Best Documentary tonight, will he use this to announce his 2008 Presidential run on the stage? Pfft! Dream on Fox News....

6:41 PM - On second thought, if Al Gore did pull such a stunt, it would piss-off Hillary Clinton even more. Go Gore '08!

Japanese chick from BABEL trying her best to speak English. Hey, I'm getting Engrish for free tonight!

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 02/25/07 07:43 PM.