Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Though really, I always considered CASINO to be a complementary, "side-story" true-story mafia tale set in the same universe of GOODFELLAS, but without any connections. In a way, its like FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS and LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA were sold in 2006.

I agree that Casino and Goodfellas are in the same universe but without any connections like Flags Of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima. I've just heard so many people throw around the term that Casino is the "unofficial" sequel to Goodfellas. Much like Carlito's Way could be thought of as the "unofficial" sequel to Scarface.

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Anyway, the reason why DeNiro and Scorsese haven't worked again is different reasons. DeNiro has gradually settled into more of a film producer, making millions from those MEET comedies(and probably even more if they go ahead with #3) so he can produce movies personal to him(i.e. THE GOOD SHEPERD), and to his Tribeca film festival. I wish DeNiro would kickass acting-wise again in a film, but hey, its his career, his choice.

Of course, I thought THE GOOD SHEPHERD was a mess, but its obviously a personal project of his so I can't get too pissed about it(or maybe I can. I still think DeNiro blew a great opportunity to tell the real slam dunk dirty expose drama of the CIA's nasty work in the 1950s like Iran, Guatemala, you name it!)

I agree. I was rather disappointed in The Good Shepherd and thought the ball was fumbled with this try. Maybe someone else can pick it up and run it in for the touchdown. Although, he did direct A Bronx Tale which isn't a great movie (at least compared with a Goodfellas, Casino or Godfather) but still enjoyable. I still do look forward to his next try behind the camera.

Thing is, A BRONX TALE is a small little movie, where the screenplay and actors dominate it. For better or for worse, Chazz is the autuer force of that film, not DeNiro. Its a story with stage play sensibilities, but played out on a stage the size of a 1950's neighborhood. DeNiro did a decent, capable job on his first directing job.

Maybe DeNiro's problem is that possibly, he isn't talented or indepth enough(like say his buddy Marty Scorsese) to have tackled such a story like THE GOOD SHEPHERD.