Clemens, 44, still mulling his options for 2007

KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- Roger Clemens pitched to his son and two other minor leaguers at the Houston Astros' spring training camp Thursday, and is no closer to deciding whether he'll play a 24th season.

If he comes back, the 44-year-old pitching great said he'll choose between the hometown Astros, the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox.

"Everybody knows where I stand. I don't care to play, but if that decision comes up again, then it's a big decision on me," he said. "It has nothing to do with anybody else. It's a decision on me to go out and perform."

Clemens said he's not "milking" his decision in search of the highest bidder. He also said he'll have no problem walking away when the time comes.

"It's 10 times harder to make the decision to come back and try to do it again," he said. "I love what I do and I have high expectations to perform. When I don't, it's disappointing."

Koby Clemens, a third baseman starting his second full season in the Astros' minor league organization, said his father told him last week he was "80-20" leaning toward not coming back. Then again, after the 2003 season Clemens said there was a 99 percent chance he would retire.

"It's a pretty serious number right now," said Koby, the oldest of Clemens' four sons. "I go, 'Dad, right now, on the spot, if they asked you are you coming back or not, what are your percentages now?' He said, '80-20.' I go, 'Coming back or sitting out the year?' And he goes, 'Probably sitting out the year.' That was it."

Clemens is on an easier workout schedule now and won't increase the load unless he commits to playing again.

Clemens caused a bigger stir at spring training last season, pitching with more purpose to minor leaguers in preparation for the World Baseball Classic.

"I feel very good, I feel strong," he said. "But the intensity is nowhere near close to this point last year when I was getting ready for the world event. I had a lot riding on my shoulders."

Clemens said he'll work himself into shape if one of the teams comes to his agents, Alan and Randy Hendricks, with an offer he can't refuse.

He's also realistic about his age, and that his body may not respond like it once did.

"At one point, it's not going to work out," he said. "These are the questions I have to ask myself, that's why I push myself so hard to find out before I get to that moment.

"I don't know what's going to happen two months from now," Clemens said. "I could get into the middle of a training session and know that I just can't do it. That would be the easiest call for me to make."

On Thursday, he wore a black Astros cap, black Astros T-shirt and white pants. He hit grounders to Koby and shagged balls in the outfield.

Clemens says he is content to hang around the spring training complex and advise younger players. He'll also host some charity events while in Florida.

"What you saw me do today is what I plan on doing for the next month," he said. "Right now, it's going to be a slow, dead period. I'm doing what I love to do. I'm going to be running around here, throwing batting practice. I'll throw BP to the big guys if they need it. There won't be a lot of moss growing under my feet."

Clemens, who signed a $22 million contract with the Astros to pitch half of last season, didn't start in a major league game until June 22. He finished 7-6 with a 2.30 ERA in 19 starts.

If he returns, Clemens said he won't pitch until at least May. He said how the three teams are doing at that time won't affect his decision.

But Clemens said he'll only come back if he feels like he can help one of the teams contend.

"You come back to win, you come back to win it all," he said. "Your goals are set really high. I feel very flattered that those three teams still make an occasional phone call to the Hendricks brothers to ask where I'm at."

Source: ESPN