You speak wise words DC. It's just the last good memories I have of Paul he called me everyday while he was in the hospital a few monts ago. He didn't have computer access and I would go online and we would work his roster together. He had the newspaper in front of him and he already knew who he wanted before he called. He would play mind games with me and say, "Ok know the pitchers I usually select so you know who to chose". I tried to tell him I never paid that much attention..haha. Who could forget he's the one who picked Johan before everyone else. Now seeing his name in line up will be sad.

We would really be into it, and before you know it Paul would say, "Shit..we've been talking for over an hour. Your phone bill's gonna be crazy". It was worth it though knowing it brought a little smile to his face during difficult times. Knowing I can't IM or call him with stuff isn't easy.

Last edited by Beth E; 02/20/07 09:27 AM.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.