Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Chili doesn't sound bad right now. Was Truman from Kansas??

Truman was from Missouri while Eisenhower was born in Kansas.

I was born when Lyndon Johnson was President, about 7 1/2 months after the assassination of Kennedy.

This is a good thread, TIS. I thought I'd add a feww presidential tid bits for the day.

James Garfield was able to read English text and simultaneously translate it into Latin with his left hand and Greek with his right. Gerald Ford was our only other ambidextrous President although he couldn't perform Garfield's stunt.

James Buchanan was the only bachelor to be President, and also the only pres from Pennsylvania.

William Henry Harrison was 68 when elected, the oldest up until Reagan. Harrison also delivered the longest innaugural address, which ultimately cost him his life. He caught a bad cold, developed pneumonia and died about a month after his innauguration, the shortest presidential term ever.

Washington's face was scarred from small pox, and he had to borrow money to attend his innaugural. He wore size 13 boots, and had no direct descendants.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

James Madison was an epileptic. He was 5' 4" and weighed about 100 lbs.

The first prwesident to be photographed was John Quincy Adams, who had a pet alligator in the White House. He is the only president to serve in the House after his presidency.

Andrew Jackson believed the earth was flat. His pet parrot was removed from his funeral because it cursed incessantly.

George H.W. Bush was the only president born in June.

Jimmy Carte was the first president born in a hospital.

The first president to use a telephone in office was Rutherford B. Hayes.

Franklin Pierce went to college with Hawthorne and Longfellow.

Theodore Roosevelt, our youngest president, was the first to leave the Continental USA while in office when he went to see the Panama Canal in 1906. He was blind in the left eye from boxing. His wife and mother both died on Feb. 14, 1884.

Which president was noted as the best cook among our chief executives? Eisenhower.

Lincoln was our tallest president at 6'4". He was the first to be photographed at his innauguration, and his future assassin, Booth, was near him in the photo. Lincoln is also the only president awarded a patent.

Martin Van Buren was the first president born after the Declaaration of Independence, and thus was the first president born a US citizen.

Warren G. Harding was the first president to speak on the radio and ride in a car to his innaugural. He also was the first to predecease his father.

The first president to have been a boy scout, serve in the Navy and hold a televised press conference was Kennedy.

The only president buried in Washington D.C. is also the only president to receive a Ph D, Woodrow Wilson.

Harry S Truman did not have a middle name other than the initial.

Richard Nixon was the first president to visit all 50 states.

Ronald Reagan is the only president born in Illinois.

Herbert Hoover was able to speak Chinese.

Eisenhower was born in Texas.

Last edited by olivant; 02/19/07 04:24 PM.

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