I had a weird series of dreams on 3 consecutive nights about 20 years ago. They all involved a friend of my then girlfriend (now wife). This friend was living in Jersey at the time and dating a friend of mine, who married her a few years later.

Anyway all three dreams involved her being in a car accident on a highway. In the first, I witnessed the accident from a vantage point about 100 yards from the highway. In the second dream I was driving a car that slowed on the wighway when I approached the wreckage of the car. Although I never saw the girl, I somehow knew she was in the accident.

In the third dream I was a passenger in the back seat when the crash occurred. I was there merely as an observer, like a camera, and was unaffected by the crash.

After the third night I casually mentioned it to my girlfriend on the phone (I was living in Boston then and she in Pennsylvania). I thought it was odd that the dream was repeated and that I was able to remember it vividly.

The next night my girlfriend called me to tell me that about 12 hours after we had spoken, the girl was in a highway collision and was hurt. Happily she made a very good recovery, but has lost a little range of motion in her neck. My girlfriend and others, whom she had told about the dreams before the accident, thought it was supernatural for a while, but I've always attributed it to a bizarre coincidence.

It's funny how dreams can allow thoughts and memories, buried deep within your consciousness to emerge. In one dream not long ago, I was answering a call from someone named Beth M*****. The connection was bad and I couldn't understand most of what she was saying. When I woke up, the name, Beth M*****, was only vaguely familiar to me. I asked my wife if she knew that particular name and she couldn't. Just a few weeks ago (about a month after the dream), I came upon an old 1997 certificate from the YMCA showing that my son had completed 4 weeks of swimming lessons, signed by the instructor, Beth M*****, whose name I would have never been able to remember on my own.