Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
IThe weirdest one I ever had was when I dreamed that the house was on fire and I was choking on the smoke and trying to get out of the house. When I woke up, I was terrified, thinking that the house was really on fire and that I had incorporated the smell of smoke into my dream from real life.

I had written about this once before - my "weirdest" dream came about a few days after my wife died. She died August 1, 1993 (8/1). Two days later I had an EXTREMELY vivid dream... I was dreaming that I was at JFK Airport, walking through one of the terminals when a few planes EXPLODED into flames. There was damage and carnage all over the place and I was trying desperately to save some lives... the flames kept beating me back and I was unable to save anyone (I later thought it was an unconscious reference to being unable to save my wife's life). I started crying (in the dream) for someone to call 9-1-1 and as I was watching these people die in the flames the Port Authority Police (the Port Authority runs JFK Airport) started to arrive as I kept repeating "Call 9-1-1".

The telephone woke me up at that very point (my heart was racing and I was crying). I looked at the clock; it was 9:11 (my sister was calling to discuss plans for the wake), and I guess thats why I remember the dream so vividly.

It wasn't for years later that I made another "connection" to that dream. Some eight years and one month later (8/1) the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took place (9/11). The operators of the World Trade Center were none other than the Port Authority. Jet planes with lots of people dying and the terrible feeling of just watching and being unable to do nothing to save those people completed the revisit to that dream.

That's really intense SC. Do you think of it as an eery coincidence or do you think of it as a premonition of some kind ?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.