if i was a producer who could make a film...it would have to be based on a story im writing at the moment about a man who tries to do anything but conform to the "rules"of society..resulting in a short lived career of crime to a short lived career as a writer...all the while battling depression and a Panick disorder...which he begins to take medication for which he abuses with alcohol..(very brief summary)
the main character David Stewart would be played by Johnny Depp
Anferney"KOZ"Kozlovski would be played by Forrest Whittaker
Tyrone targasio would be played by Temuera Morrison (once were warriors a New Zealand film)
Silvano Zanta would be played by the great Al Pacino
Trent Pratt would be played by Edward Norton
i would probably get Brian Depalma to direct it and i would have to write most of the screenplay myself to really grab the essence of the story...which i havent explained properly..but its o.k you guys can read it once its published

Last edited by manicmontana; 02/18/07 11:12 PM.

So say goodnight to the bad guy..eh cause its the last time your ever gonna see a bad guy like this again let me tell you/O.K!! im reloaded!!You motherfuckers think your big time!!!Your gonna die big time!!!O.K Here come the pain!!!