Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Actually, Nic Cage could have worked as Ghost Rider, believe it or not.

And as I said in my reivew, Nic Cage did work as Ghost Rider

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
But its the approach that he and MSJ decided to go for is what I don't care for. Like DAREDEVIL's Ben Affleck, you're never given a reason to give a damn about Blaze's problems.

In Daredevil, Matt's problem is that he and his father were trying to both make comebacks (Matt from becoming blind and his father as the prize fighter). His father wouldn't take the dive for Fallon and as a result, got clipped. At this point in his life, Matt wasn't able to stand up for those less fortunate, let alone himself. When we pick up with Ben Affleck entering the picture, he now IS capable of delivering his own brand of justice for the rapist scumbags who continue to get aquitted due to their legal help and for those who exploit the poor and less fortunate.

In Ghost Rider, I at least cared that Johnny was "somewhat" willing to sell his soul to save his father. I say somewhat because he never signed his name, but cut himself on the contract and the devil said "he would accept that." So basically, he signs a contract he never fully intended to sign yet, his father was cured but died in an accident caused by the devil, and now he is cursed to fulfill his end of the bargain. He got screwed at every angle and the devil continues to take advantage of him.

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
But tell me Irish, while you're defending GHOST RIDER and DAREDEVIL with the "lower standards" argument, why are they better than LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN and HELLBOY?

As a result of "the argument" (film as art vs. entertainment) here on this board, I found Mark Steven Johnson's movies more entertaining. I like the CGI and visual FX more and the stories (not to mention the casts of both movies) more interesting. I found Hellboy to be the most boring comic book movie I've ever sat through (remember I left the theater?) and it was VERY overrated IMO. As for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I dig Sir Sean Connery & Peta Wilson but that's where it ends. The story didn't seem too interesting to me but I honestly do owe it a second rewatch (I just remember not being blown away by it when I first watched it).