Loved Mike Francesca's rant today on Mike and the Mad Dog today...

Keep in mind, I'm paraphrasing, but..."When did everyone in the media become so concerned about the Yankees pocketbook? Now they're talking about fiscal responsibility, with Mariano Rivera, the arguably the greatest closer of all time, only Bonds has been more consistent over the last ten years...don't tell me how he's going to break down, you're going to be hoping all season he doesn't break down to save a buck? How many guys have we paid millions of millions to and have been horrible? Pavano? Wright? Rivera is a sure thing! How many people would flip for joy if we paid Roger Clemens $4 million a month from July through October, but we can't pay Rivera?!? I don't understand it...why would you put him through this this season? Why take the risk of having him sign with someone? Boston just paid...we just paid $40 million to a guy we've never seen! Boston is going to pay a guy they've never seen for $100 million! Do you think that, if they lost to the Yankees in the playoffs this year, they'd spare any expense in signing the greatest closer of all-time! And don't give me this crap about ticket prices. Hello, supply and demand. Paying Mariano Rivera $30 million isn't going to make the prices go up, you've got people in-line to get in-line for these tickets, the Yankees prices are dictated by demand! Do you realize the fan revolt that would happen if they didn't sign Rivera?"

Always fun to listen to Francesca, at least he's a Yankees fan who knows where his bread is buttered...