Hello, I´m one of those annoying newbies who start new threads RIGHT the minute they joined...but I´ve been a reader for some time and I couldn´t resist. Forgive me, will you?

So, my topic.

I know that most of us love the Godfather for brilliant character development, memorable scenes of love, hate, betrayal and backroom meetings, and the portrayal of a fascinating family, but not in first place for the straight FUN of it.
But I hope you agree with me that there IS al lot of humour in both the book and the movie, that makes them even more enjoyable.
My question would be, which is your favourite funny bit, quote or event throughout the Godfather decades? Or maybe even things that are not meant to be funny, but somehow crack you up?

I´ll start: one of my favourite funny scenes from the movies is in GFII when Frankie tries to make the band on Mike´s posh party play a tarantella and they wind up with "Pop Goes The Weasel". On one hand it´s just fun to watch, for the actor is very enganging in that scene, on the other hand it´s very witty, for it serves the whole old school versus new ways thing.

Your would be...?

"i understand you have to deal with a lot of people who try to seem more important than they are. In my case the reverse is true." -Tom Hagen