I asked Best Picture, not Best Director.

But yeah, this fellow Marty-holic...I'm happy that he's a fucking LOCK to win Best Director finally.

The 16 day coronation march to the Oscars continues...care to tag along?

Now what movie will win Best Picture?

For the first time in years upon years....its up in the air. You can make an argument for any of the Best Picture nominees(BABEL, DEPARTED, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA, THE QUEEN) to win.


THE DEPARTED - It's the clear-cut box-office champion. With over $120+ million smackers in American theatres, it will be perhaps the only massly-wide-seen Best Picture contender of this year. Yet it can lose because of the fact that its a remake, and remakes have NEVER won Best Picture. Never.

BABEL - Its the social-message movie of the year, and the sort of material that the Oscars love. However, CRASH's surprise win last year for Best Picture might turn Oscar voters from supporting this horse (which is a pity, since BABEL wipes its ass with that mediocre after school-special CRASH).

THE QUEEN - Yeah, it can win. People count it out for being a "too small" of a movie to win it all, but so what? If BABEL and DEPARTED split votes, THE QUEEN could get crowned.

LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE - The underdog Sundance champ movie that's earned a big profit, and seems to be the "indie" champ in the competition. Better yet, it could be the "spoiler" over QUEEN if DEPARTED and BABEL split ballots. The problem for LMS is that its got no Best Director nods, and guess what? That usually means no chance at victory for LMS...in any other year.

LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA - People were shocked that Eastwood got Best Picture and Director nods for IWO JIMA, but should they be? People admire his back-to-back shot WW2 movies(including FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS) and LETTERS was well-better received than FLAGS.

The problem? Its grossed less than $10 million, and will continue to be very little-seen by Americans by the 25th, when the Oscars are announced.

Stay tuned!