Capo, does SCARFACE suck? You've said it before yourself that in each subsequent screening, you find it lacking more and more. So with your argument, are you failing to find any good within it?

Maybe we both are just chasing mice in our heads.

As for the Bush/Blair thing, your taxes pay Tony Boy Blair's salary. His boss is supposed to be the taxpayers.

Anyway Irish, glad you quite enjoyed MARIE ANTOINETTE. I think the "bad" acting is a misnomer. The French monarchy was full of people who were retarded in being human. To quote an old teacher of mine, if you lived Disneyworld your whole life, how can you deal with the real world?

In a way, this retardation leads to the monarchy to become a bunch of spoil brat children that never grow up.

But thats just my opinion.

COMMANDO (1985) - ***

Generic action-plot of American special forces badass (Ahhnuld) trying to save his daughter from mercenaries in under 11 hours doesn't make this movie.

What makes COMMANDO memorable for a generation is the outright cartoonish subreality of the movie. A man can fall from a plane and into a swamp pond without breaking legs. A car gets wrecked and flips over, but when flipped back, its repaired. One guy with enough ammo for the nation of Liberia can destroy a whole tiny island's army(though you have to admit, its an apt parallel to Grenada).

No, its two things that make the movie a camp 80's action-cheese classic. Its the humor of it. Take this scene where Ahhhnuld has THE WARRIORS' own maniac assassin Luthor(David Patrick Kelly) hanging over a cliff:

"Remember Sully when I said that I would kill you last?"
"Yeah Matrix, you did!"


Maybe the Rae Dawn Chong casting makes it damn funny as well. Maybe its the casting of Kelly, 80's black bad mother fucker action man Bill Duke, Dan Hedaya as a Latin American dictator(the make-up is hilariously bad in itself). Hell, I almost forgot about the baddie of the movie, who basically is Freddy Mercury(heavy gay-moustache especially) pumped on steroids and adrenaline.

There is no coincidence that the finale fight of the baddie and Mercury-on-steroids is bordering upon softcore homoerotic pornography.

In a way, COMMANDO works because it does something that RAMBO 2 never could. COMMANDO knows its fucking idiotic, and relishes in it. RAMBO 2 really was trying to be seriously sincere as some sort of 80's anti-Vietnam statement in the midst of its own stupidity. COMMANDO is an all-out good excuse for Ahhhnuld to maim and kill people.

Guess which movie I prefer by a good war or two?