I saw her tonight. I'm such a dufus though. I kept looking through my purse for my camera and couldn't find it. My two sisters were there and we took pictures with their cameras. We got some good shots of 4 generations all together. We go to leave, and I reach in my coat pocket and my camera was in my pocket the whole time. I told my sis to download pics and email them to me so I have something. She is cute. A little bit of light hair. She's 20 3/4 inches long. She has her mother's long legs. My niece is fine, but obviously sore and tired. When Natalie was born her shoulder was turned funny and her heart rate dropped a little. So they had to rush her straight to Nicu to have her checked out. The father didn't get to cut the umbilical cord, so that was a bummer. But she checked out fine now. She goes home tomorrow. Natalie does not like the camera. Every time the flash went off she started screaming. I told her to get used it. She has a large family and we all like to take pictures. She's gonna hate us like the papparrazi. Hopefully I'll get some more pics this weekend.

Last edited by Beth E; 02/08/07 08:39 PM.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.