School for Scoundrels (2006) ** 1/2
(First Viewing)

Jon Heder plays an unlucky meter reader who enrolls in a confidence-building class so he can win the love of the girl of his dreams. The class turns out to be something quite different when it becomes clear to the young man that his professor (Thorton), has his sights set on the same girl.

Napoleon Dynamite meets Bad Santa and the outcome is a hilarious comedy. I've loved Billy Bob's work ever since he dressed up as the old fat man that comes every Christmas, whereas Jon Heder's last comedy, The Benchwarmers was a complete bust (nice to see him rebound). Jacinda Barrett (Heder's love interest in the film) and complete b*tch roommate Sarah Silverman work fabulously together and Sarah steals every scene she's in. Finally, Michael Clark Duncan continues to make me laugh and the biggest surprise of the film was Ben Stiller with his New York accent and messed up long hair.