I'm busting your balls, and sadly you are looking bad for the Yankee faithful. I thought Yank fans can take shit, and then throw it back with twice the velocity. I guess its just the majority.

Besides, the force trauma going from me to you can also go from you to me. If you want to shut me up, try busting MY balls.

If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.

Take Don Cardi. I remembered last year when I gave a veru mediocre review to WORLD TRADE CENTER, which he took heavy issue with. He PM'ed me and basically whooped my ass.

jGeoff? He's pounded me into the pavement more than once on PM during one of my nonsense madman periods.

The difference between YOU irish and those 2 cool cats? They fought me and took me to issue, not with whining or crying but by outright challenging me on my opinions.

Capo fights me on dozens upon dozens of reviews. Don Vercetti and Omar duel me time to time. Tom Hagen took my shit I gave him for the original ROLLERBALL and made me look foolish.

That is what you have to do Irish. Its not my fault that you're acting like Frank Lopez in SCARFACE: "Soft"

P.S. - Come on, do I need to trash Blockbuster again for you to actually fight for your opinions? Bring a gun to a knife fight.