My thoughts on the stats are a bit wowed. Obviously, the aging players yield the higher injury risk, but I can't believe some of them. Matsui had a huge consecutive games streak going into this past season, and his freak wrist injury ruined it for him. The guy is never out. I'd give him the lowest of low for injury risk. Then again, Damon is a medium (WTF? He had at least three nagging injuries I can think of off the top of my head last year), and A-Rod and Jeter are High, so I'm not sure how much faith I have in that James injury stat.

Also, this Yankee lineup is drastically under-powered. Jeter is going to regress apparently, and hit only 17 HR's and drive in 81 RBI's. I think his RBI totals will be a bit higher (in the low 90's range). The HR's may be accurate. Matsui and Cano are only going to hit under 20 HR's? Nope. Don't buy it. I think Cano pushes for the batting title this year, and Matsui is going to hit around 35 as he rebounds from injury last year. In fact, I'd venture to say that if A-Rod has problems (hopefully not), and Giambi gets injured as I predict, Matsui may lead this team in HR's, with Cano and Abreu inching behind in the high 20's/low 30's range.

As far as pitching goes, again, the injury bug is supposedly going to kill us. I don't buy it (for the most part). Moose yes, Pavano yes, Pettitte maybe, and Wang should be low. The win totals from the sabermetric scale are hugely disappointing...Wang is going to regress, Moose won't hit 20 wins (which I think he could this year, finally), and Pettitte is going to blow. I just don't see it, with our batting lineup. Then again, the way they rated our lineup, I could see our pitchers playing like they had the Royals batting order.

Anyways, let's hear some others opinions. I think we're being a bit devalued. What do y'all think?