Wow, I forgot about this. On Groundhog's Day 1979, rock personality Sid Vicious overdosed on heroin.

Notice that I didn't call him "rock star." I did that on purpose because despite his infamy and closely-linked association with the highly influential Sex Pistols, he...didn't do shit.

Based on accounts, he couldn't sing. Worse, he wasn't even able to play 3-chords on the guitar(which is like playing basketball, but unable to walk and dribble the ball).

Never the less, he did produce ONE cool thing. While he couldn't sing to save his life or that chick he murdered, the attitude and the dictated prophecy of his own demise in his legendary cover version of "My Way" gave it an edge and spirit that surpass versions recorded by Sinatra and Elvis.

Hell, Scorsese used it for the ending of GOODFELLAS. That alone means the song is great...or should at least.

Sid Vicious' MY WAY