originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
How can anyone even question the necessity of Fredo's removal??
How can anyone question the evil -- the needlessness -- of Fredo's removal? How can anyone question the harmlessness of Fredo at this time?

Fredo's relationship with Michael was a LOVE-HATE one, not a HATE-HATE one. He felt envy, resentment, anger AND love, bonding, friendship. We should all listen to Don Cardi more:
originally posted by Don Cardi:
Later on he [Fredo] even tells Michael, when they are in Cuba having a drink, that he wished that they could have done this in the past. He says this because in that scene Michael finally confides in him. Michael treats him as an equal ... Michael finally let Fredo in on the inner workings of the family business.
Fredo didn't want Michael's position. He wanted a position of his own that garnered Michael's respect. Geez, how many times do I have to tell you people grin grin : Michael HAD TO BE IN THE PICTURE for Fredo to realize his dream. He wanted Michael, and the rest of the family, to be proud of him, to acknowledge him, to include him. That's why he NEVER conspired to kill Michael, nor would he ever do so. All the power and position in the world is useless to him if Michael and the Family aren't there to SEE it.
originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
... [He] cried about being passed over, his mommy told him he was a gypsy, he didn't have a nice wife like Kay (if he only knew), he only had Mickey Mouse nightclubs, wah, wah, wah.
lol lol "wah, wah, wah"

As witty as that is, Sicilian Babe, I have to say that I am starting to feel frightened for you. Why? Because you're turning into a MICHAEL CORLEONE!! eek We must have an intervention! Pray for her soul! lol wink

In the boat house, Fredo spilled out an emotional confession of all his pent up reasons for succumbing to Roth's plan. They were very human reasons, probably repressed for a long time. What was Michael's response? Much like yours (only not as witty wink ): He dismissed them.

Wasn't the whole theme of GF2 to show how Michael had lost his humanity, to show how far into evil this once upstanding young man who wanted nothing to do with the family business had sunk? He murdered a brother who had complex, psychological issues with himself and his dynamic in the family because he failed to see Fredo the human being and saw in his stead just another mafia co-hort.