Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
[b] How could he disgrace the Corleone's, a legitimate power to be reckoned with, by letting himself get slapped around by a nobody like Moe Greene?!! Just another reason for Michael to be pissed at him.
I have to agree with you about that. When watching that scene I've always felt that Michael was both emarrassed and pissed that Fredo, a Corleone, allowed Moe Green to treat him the way that he did.

I also feel that when Michael tells Moe " You straighten my brother out," that he says it not so much in defense of Fredo, but more of a " You straighten MY BROTHER, MICHAEL CORLEONE'S BROTHER around?" It was more a message of "you're disrespecting Michael Corleone by slapping my brother around." then one of " You've disrespected Fredo Corleone."

In Michael's mind, the fact that Moe slapped Fredo around was more of a blow to Michael Corleone's honor, than one to Fredo's own honor[/b]
I agree 100% here with DC about why Michael was pissed that Fredo got slapped around.

But SB, you suggest in your post above that Fredo "let" himself get slapped around.

What was Fredo supposed to do?

He was in Moe's hotel, Moe was on his home turf, and Moe was a far more powerful person in Las Vegas than Fredo, not only physically, but just about any other way I can think of.

At that point, it was even questionable as to who had the more pwoerful family behind him. Seemngly, that one goes to Moe as well.

So what was Fredo to do if he did not want to allow himself to be slapped around?

Slap Moe back and get a good ass kicking for his trouble?

I don't se where he had any options, really, particulalrly in light of the fact that I would say that Fredo deserved the rebuke and probably knew that he deserved it.

I know what it's like to be sitting at a table in a casino and wanting something to drink and not seeing a waitress for who knows how long, especially if you are losing.

"Difficult....not impossible"