Originally posted by plawrence:
...You suggest above that had Fredo's second transgression been similar to the his first - a public disagreement with Michael - that would have been justifiable grounds for killing him....
Actually, the Fredo's second 'transgression' was far worse than the first. The first (Moe Green) was indeed a 'transgression' if you prefer to use that word. But it was followed by that warning from Michael and did not alter Michael's immediate plans regarding the move to Nevada. The second, despite the warning after the first, was more than a 'public disagreement' it was an outright BETRAYAL that nearly caused Michael's death and irreperable damage to the Corleone Family and yes, it was justifiable grounds for his eventually being killed.

Make all the comparisons you want, to Sonny, to Sicilian Babe's and my personal family, whatever your imagination can drum up. Play all the games you want. Nothing changes the fact that in The Godfather Part II, Fredo was a traitor and Michael had every justification of having him killed.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.