Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Sorry, Cristina, but Fredo knew from the infamous Sollozzo meeting that you NEVER take sides with anyone against the family. He was there. He saw what repercussions that had on the Family. He knew it was dangerous to let anyone outside the family know if he was thinking something that went against the family.
Absolutely right about the Sollozzo meeting. When Sonny made that slip up and let someone outside the family know what he was thinking, it led to a domino effect of tragedy.

But where was the same effect in the Moe Green incident? When Moe Green angrily rejected Michael's offer (as Michael probably knew he would), Michael had him killed (as Michael probably planned to do all along); and Michael got the casino, just as he wanted.

Yes, you never go against the family, as Michael had warned him. But the whole problem with Michael and the reason I believe he is unjustified is that he NEVER considers how he contributed to or even caused the precipitating circumstances. He never considers his faults, his mistakes, or Fredo's situation.

Michael had put Fredo into a difficult position. Fredo's "psycho boss" was in the room, the one who slaps him around. If Fredo didn't at least give the appearance of smoothing things over with Mr. Moe "Flies off The Handle" Green, then how badly do you think he was going to be slapped around and humiliated when he showed up for work the next morning? [Linked Image] cool

I must say, Sicilian Babe, that I am enjoying this lively debate with you and the others. We'll never persuade each other to come to the other's opinion, but you are keeping me on my toes trying to think of reasons to shore up my stance that are good enough to challenge your reasons for your stance. I am learning how to be stubborn and stick to my guns lol (might come in handy some day).

I await your counter-argument. Wait, I see that Apple has already provided one (actually, several)... smile