Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]...Fredo never intended to hurt Michael or betray Michael. He was stupid enough to believe that he would be helping Michael and at the same time would be doing something on his own. Something that Michael would look at and be proud of him for doing. At least that is what Ola probably led him to believe....
Yes, he did intend to hurt and betray Michael. This intent is revealed during his rant in the boathouse, when he finally loses it about having been 'stepped over' by his 'kid brother'. He loved Michael, but also deeply resented him.

And you cannot possibly believe that he thought for one second that Michael would ever be proud of him for interfering in negotiations with Roth. He was being 'tough' for a reason...and even if that attempted hit had never taken place, Michael would most certainly NOT have been proud of his brother. And even Fredo wasn't dumb enough not to know that. If he really wanted to make Michael proud, he would have let him know the moment he was approached by Ola. Instead, he allowed his own self interests and jealousy to determine his actions.

Of course he intended to hurt and betray Michael.

And therefore he put the entire Corleone Family at risk.

And therefore, he eventually had to die.

And therfore, Michael was justified in having him killed.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.