Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]...when Ola approchead Fredo about a deal that they were trying to make with Michael, and told him that things were not going as planned, Fredo trusted Ola because he was comfortable with him. He was convinced by Ola that if he did this favor for Ola, it would make the negotiations go smoother and that there would be something in it for Fredo....
According to Fredo's account, he wasn't merely told that 'things were not going as planned'. He was told that Michael, his brother, Don Corleone...was being 'tough on the negotiations'. If he was told that his own brother was being tough on negotiations and they needed his help then by agreeing to help in whatever way he did, supplying whatever information he did...and all the while never mentioning to Michael, Tom or anyone in the Family that he was working and associating with these people...all the while anticipating something in it for him...then he was knowingly betraying his brother.

You don't have to knowingly plan someone's murder in order to be a traitor. Fredo didn't realize there was going to be a hit. Simply working with Roth/Ola based on the story he was given was Fredo's betrayal. Perhaps it's your good nature and understanding heart that's causing a mental block here, Don Cardi...but I honestly can't fathom how you can deny even this.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.