Originally posted by Cristina's Way:
[QUOTE]...If Michael counts that instance as one of the reasons why Fredo had to be eliminated then that is NO justification at all.

The fault here was with Michael. He and Tom go to Las Vegas, not even giving Fredo a prior briefing ...
First of all, whether Fredo was given a 'briefing' or not (which he was not entitled to anyway), if he had any brains he should have known to keep his mouth shut even if he didn't necessarily agree with Michael's plans to buy out Moe Green. He should have known that if Michael was there on behalf of the Corleone Family, then Michael was spaaking for their father and the Corleone Family. He should have known to keep his mouth shut, like Tom and Johnny did, let Moe storm out of the room and not try to override his brother right in front of everyon by suggesting that Tom the consiglieri (as far as he knew) contact The Godfather to see what else could be done. At that moment, was as careless as Santino had been during the Sollozzo meeting though luckily with less effect. He took sides against HIS OWN FAMILY, let the seams show, and therefore put it at risk. Maybe not short-term, but long-term risk. That is why he was warned right then and there by Michael to NEVER let it happen again. Let's not forget that it's revealed in GFII that Moe Green was a close friend of Hyman Roth. Long as we're all using our creativity, it could be assumed that Moe relayed this incident to Roth which planted the seed in Roth's head that the weak, stupid Fredo Corleone could be easily misled and swayed into a phony deal such as the one he was.

Second, it's doubtful that when deciding that Fredo must die...Michael thought back to that Moe Green conversation and decided that that, along with the Roth betrayal, was what would justify his ordering his brother's death. However (and again), remoreseful as he was and safe as he seemed within the cocoon of the Tahoe Compound, as content as he seemed taking his nephew on fishing trips...Fredo had proven one time too many that he was incapable of remaining loyal to his Family. Both his blood family and otherwise. He had to go.

And Sicilian Babe...it's nice to be in at least partial agreement with you on this subject. As you succinctly state...Fredo put the family in danger and NEEDED to be eliminated.

However as we'll probably forever disagree on whether Fredo knew he was about to die on that boat (which he didn't)...I have to say that I don't think for one second that he ever realized Roth had a hit planned on Michael and that he was assisting in making it possible.

Take care, all...!!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.