Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE] ...Do you really believe that Fredo understood that if he ever went against the family again that it would be a fatal mistake? I don't believe so. ...
Whether a fatal mistake or not...he was clearly warned not to take sides against the Family again. Ever. That meant not only taking part in an assasination attempt of which he knew nothing...but to go against the Family in ANY WAY. By dealing with Roth and Ola he was consciously conspiring against his brother and his family for personal gain.

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE] Before the attack on Michael in Tahoe, when was Fredo ever a risk to the family? In front of Moe Green? I wouldn't call his trying to smooth things out between Moe and Mike a risk to the family.
In Michael's eyes, his trying to 'smooth things out' was taking sides AGAINST the Family. Therefore, Michael considered him a risk and sufficiently warned him not to do so again. And if you want to use that particular term, then 'smoothing things out' was exactly what he was trying to do with Roth since he believed that story of Michael being 'tough on the negotiations'.

So yes, both times he proved a risk to the Family. The first time he was subdued, the second time he was punished.

Yeesh...I gotta go back to work. Good discussion though, I could go on forever. The dynamics between Fredo and Michael and Fredo's betrayal/murder is to me an inexhaustimve and extremely interesting subject.



A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.