Originally posted by plawrence:
...First of all, why is my scenario ridiculous?
Because in your story I don't see you mention that my brother and I are members of a powerful organized crime family and that were it not for a split second of quick thinking I would have been riddled with bullets and the Family I was head of virtually destroyed due to my brother's 'complicity'.

Michael and Fredo were born and raised in, and now both made a living within a powerful organized crime family, a virtual empire. They were not members of an ordinary family, and were obviously not driven by ordinary family values.

So, the comparison you present to SB and myself regarding a kidnapping of our children is ridiculous. Aside from that, to assume that we wouldn't order our brother killed because the kidnapping plan 'went awry' means that you might also be suggesting that Michael shouldn't have had Tessio killed because after all, his plan to lead Michael into Barzini's assasination trap didn't work.

Guess he should've been let off the hook...for old time's sake. lol

Originally posted by plawrence:
...As far as Fredo having been already "warned" by Michael against going against the family before goes, surely you are not comapred his publicly disagreeing with Michael with complicity in a possible assassination plot against him?

Surely you don't mean to imply that had Fredo publicly disgareed with Michael a second time, that that would have been grounds for his assassination?
Yes to both.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.