Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
I don't see that anyone here put the death of this horse on a level with or higher than the death of a human being.

Well, I guess I don't count b/c I said that twice.

Sure, I hold the life of an animal to be as important as a human. Personally I don't like ppl very much, so personally I would take an animal over a human anyday, that's me. Hopefully the Earth's axis will never be so tilted and the world skewed that I would have to make that choice. (Some of you will argue about anything, who's life, Timmy or Lassie? Debate!!)

Animals who are running around in the wild and get snatched up by a tiger die A NATURAL DEATH!!! I'm NOT lamenting over these. I'm lamenting over innocent animals who are FORCED into 'OUR' world and die b/c of it. I can't understand killing an animal like Barbaro so a bunch of jackasses can dress up in tacky clothes and sing 'My old Kentucky home.'


Charles Goodnight was maybe the most famous Cowboy ever, he was the first to drive cattle from Texas to Montana. He had only one child, to whom he never acknowledged was his b/c it was an unplanned birth and what he called the greatest mistake of his life. The two had an unspoken understanding but Goodnight never actually told his son that he was his father, he did however give him his horse. A reporter later had the gusto to ask, "You gave him your horse? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to give him your name?" To which Goodnight replied, "Sir, I put much more value in the animal than I do my name." That's a true story.

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Last edited by Ice; 01/30/07 01:36 PM.