Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I think that every person who sends in money for an abused animal should have to spend time working with abused children or crack babies. Pretty sure that would put things in perspective.

I don't agree. Not at all.

I'm thankful that some people send money in for abused animals. I'm thankful that some people volunteer their time in taking care of abused animals. They, like us humans (some of whom are showing non-humanity with their lack of compassion here) are God's creatures. For better or worse we've domesticated them for one purpose or another. We've become their caregivers. Do I think we should give all our time/money to animals instead of poor/homeless/hungry humans? Of course not. But I am thankful that some take these animals seriously.

I have to laugh when I see discussions like this turn into a "human-or-animal" debate. It doesn't have to be "either/or". Its a question of showing simple compassion to an animal. But thats just me.

In regards to Barbaro - he was a beautiful animal with a great athlete's heart. I'm terribly saddened that he had to be put down.
