Originally posted by Don Cardi:
And I still don't believe, for one moment that Fredo intentionally set up Mike for a hit or would have intentionally set him up for one in the future... Unlike Michael, Fredo had a heart.

The only reason that Michael had Fredo killed was to assure himself and those around him that he was the almighty powerful Don who would not forgive or show any sign of weekness. It was to show the Roccos and the Neris that he was not one to ever be screwed with.

He killed his own brother. A weak brother. A brother that he was obviously supposed to watch over and take care of. He killed his mother's son. He killed his father's son. What a cold hearted bastard!
Amen! Now that's what I've been struggling to say with all my wordy paragraphs. Don Cardi gets right to the heart of the matter cool . (Gotta love that last paragraph.)

Even Michael himself said it: "Fredo -- he's got a good heart."