Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: olivant

My point is that the ROE are not having a "strategic" effect upon our efforts in Iraq.

How do you know this?

Don Cardi

Because a strategic effect would act upon the enemy's ability to make war. ROE are intended to apply in a tactical situation.

Olivant, I sincerely appreciate and respect the point that you are trying to make here. However YOU are the one who brought up ROE. It was you who 'categorized' that our soldiers not being able to fire upon the Mosques as ROE.

Call it what you want or categorize it how you will, but the bottom line here is that if you've ever spoken to the soldiers who have fought over there, and I am not talking about one or two, you would know that they have been ordered NOT to fire upon any Mosques even if enemy fire is originating from that Mosque. These are their words, not something that I've made up.

And I have to take what many of these soldiers have spoken about, when it comes to their being ordered NOT to fire upon these Mosques that the enemy is really using as strongholds, as gospel. I mean after all these guys and gals are the ones in the trenches fighting on the front lines.

You just can't fight a war like that.

I just love the double talk by these politicians that claim to support the troops, but in the same breath they are now voting to defund them. Hypocrites. Not ONE of them has offered some kind of plan except to pull out, PERIOD.

That's not a plan.

Our soldiers are asking for more help, and the Hillarys, the Kennedys, the Boxers, the Kerrys and the Pelosis of this country are telling them "F**K YOU!"

Nice what happened in Washington this weekend at the ANTI-WAR protest. Really nice that a soldier who lost his leg in Iraq was spit on by someone claiming to be against war and violence. Really nice that these peace touting people who constantly quote the law and their rights decided to spray paint our nation's capitol. Such upstanding people who claim to love our country and support our soldiers.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.