I'm a bit confused by all this. Everyone saying all these nice things about SC. Wasn't this the guy that went to a baseball game - Went, not Played, and still ended up in the hospital ? Granted I never met nor spoken with him, but with that story he seems like a bit of a 'girly man' to me.

Although to contradict that persona, I have also learned from Afs that he has sent her naked pictures of himself - so I can't figure the guy out. By the way Afs said the first few were nice but really time to stop with them now, enough is enough. They are really filling up her Inbox, although the last one with you only in work boots and gloves she enjoyed ....

Thanks for keeping the 'kids' in check especially during Pork's drunken stupors .... which is pretty much every weekend and a day or 2 during the week.