Funny you should mention that Dona, because I was thinking of adding this sentence to the paragraph: "So you single gals, if you find a guy like that, grab him (just make sure he's not in the mafia)." But my post was already long enough wink .

As for your other point, I know more people are going to bring that up in ways like this: Michael was all business. He was too focused on wheeling and dealing and accumulating money to fool around and cheat on Kay.

Heh heh. You mean Michael didn't have time to fool around? Hey, if a guy wants to fool around, he'll MAKE TIME. I don't think it was a case of Michael not having time; I think he just didn't want to. He had a wife and family.

(But I see your point, Dona, about the Moe Green scene. When Michael said, "Get rid of them," he meant he wasn't there to have a light-hearted party the way Fredo set it up. The girls were a distraction from business. But I still believe that when business was done for the day, he would NOT be telling Fredo, "OK, you can get those girls now.") cool