TORSO is good, though the problem you had Irish with SUSPIRA is the same mistakes that American horror fans do when they jump into Italian horror cinema.

"Once you fuck the story, which doesn't matter at all, then its splendid horror cinema" - HALLOWEEN director John Carpenter

SUSPIRA's plot is generic-ass. I mean, a girl comes into a ballerina academy, which is run by a cabal of witches. Eh?

Forgetting the derivativeness of Italian horror cinema, I loved the slinky creep mood of SUSPIRA, and its editing narrative. Dario Argento rules, bitches!

Irish, you want recommendations?

Check out Luci Fulci's work. He's derivative as hell at times, but his ZOMBIE(a favorite of Tarantino) and for example is worth wathcing. Again, a shit-sandwich of a zombie story, but its the details that make it interesting.

I mean, you have a zombie fighting a shark. I don't need to say much more.