Originally Posted By: Double-J

Furthermore, FoxNews isn't the only news station that has professed objectivity and couldn't hold up their own standards. Why, the immortal Dan Rather and CBS's unfounded smear on President Bush resulted in his own dismissal. If that isn't enough, read Bernie Goldberg's Bias. It gives you an idea of how cerebral and biased Rather really is/was.

Rather was biased, but Rather believed that the role of the news was to ask the hard questions. He had his personal convictions, and that's what fueled his subject matter. Rather wanted to check up on Bush's military experience, and found out he was wrong. It's understandable and the price you pay when presenting what you're not certain is fact. I don't condone ruining another man's livelihood, but asking questions is certainly a virtue in politics. Rather should have asked more questions and done less reporting.

Instead of asking questions, it seems Fox News is waving accusations (against the left as they're notorious for doing). This is merely the first specticle of the battle against Obama, and it will only go down hill. Richardson, you're next, amigo.

What's truly a shame is how you can't win if you're a tad different. The people will decide, and chances are, we'll elect another washed up white man with corporate interests as well as public distance.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin