THE SIEGE (1998) - **1/2

Middle-Eastern terrorists demand the U.S. Government release their leader from custody. They declare war on New York City.

Made years before 9/11, one would think it would become much more relevant for movie-goers after the attacks.

Yet the same problem that sank the movie back then is the same fault that keeps it from being considerable for either intellectuals or movie buffs, a weakness that movies can't escape from: MEDIOCRITY!

What went wrong?

Maybe once upon a time, the original script drafts had potential for an engaging, suspenseful, but smart, political thriller. Yet after years in the pipeline, and with massive major movie stars in Denzel, Willis, and Warren Beatty's bitch, its bound for such a story to become more....generic to make more money in theatres.

Thats the problem with THE SIEGE. It wants to be smart and a possible "what-if?" martial law scenario in America, but either its not daring enough, or its got nothing useful to add to the conversation.

You can't win that war.