The Driller Killer **
(First Viewing)

In New York, painter Reno Miller (Abel Ferrara) shares a loft with his girlfriend Carol (Carolyn Marz), who left her husband Stephen, and their roommate Pamela (Baybi Day). Reno is having difficulties paying his bills, while he is obsessed painting his masterpiece, a buffalo with a hypnotic eye. When a punk band moves to his building playing day and night, Reno cannot sleep and is driven insane, going to the streets with a drill, killing homeless derelicts. When the art dealer calls his painting a mockery, and Carol returns to her husband, leaving him alone, Reno goes totally mad.

I thought Abel Ferrara did a fine job acting, as the insane painter Reno and a decent job directing. However, I have NO idea what writer Nicholas St. John was thinking when he wrote this screenplay. I'm not quite sure how this movie got made, based on its storyline. Again, it's like Snakes On A Plane or Bandidas, you know what you're getting from the title and it didn't disappoint. It was exactly as cheesy and bad as I expected it to be, but I did enjoy it. Luckily, both men were able to rebound in 1990 with King of New York. However, I only heard about this movie maybe a week ago because it's going to be remade. If that is the case, consider me there for that one. I'd be VERY interested to see how or even why this movie would be remade.