Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why they would bend over backwards for someone who left them in the lurch the way the Rocket did is beyond me, though.

From a financial and GM standpoint, it's a smart move. The Yankees have plenty of cash, especially after moving Wright and Sheffield. Clemens is going to return to one of three teams - Houston, Boston, or the Yankees. The Astros may be close to home, but their chance of offering Clemens another World Series ring is not as good as with either of the AL East teams, both of which are almost always playoff locks. Boston is where Clemens began his career, but they've already used quite a bit of their payroll on Matsuzaka, their replenished bullpen, JD Drew (a deal which is still incomplete because of the physical) and Julio Lugo. They would love to have Clemens back, but their financial situation may prevent them from making a monster offer.

Basically, the Yankees would rather see Clemens pitch in pinstripes or with the 'Stros than with the Red Sox. Even if he comes back as a marginal Roger Clemens in the AL East, he's still a better option that Carl Pavano or Kei Igawa at this point. The Yankees can get him for a less-than-1-year prorated contract with the cash they've got lying around...bring back a pitcher who, even at 45, could still be a viable 4th starter in the AL, and keep him out of the hands of your archenemies and division rivals.

Believe me, you know from my previous posts over the years that I am 100% against Roger Clemens, particularly in a comeback, because of his mystical un-retirement and screwjob in 2004. That being said, the deal right now makes sense. The Yankees can't lose. They keep the best FA pitcher available right now out of the hands of their main division rivals, get him for a prorated deal, and get him for the playoffs, where he excels.

It's nothing personal...it's just business.

Nonetheless, and you can all quote me on this: Fuck Roger Clemens.
