I gotta agree with you Irish in regards to THE GUARDIAN. Fuck that mediocrity.

But man, Andrew Davis....his career is now boiled down to basically being a hired-gun director that's having to helm any jobs that Hollywood gives him these days.

Which is a damn shame. His early THE PACKAGE is a pretty good, and slick, assassination thriller that almost wants to be the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE for the last days of the Cold War. This would begin the first of a consecutive trilogy of works working with Tommy Lee Jones.

Then came UNDER SIEGE. Probably the only Steven Seagal movie that isn't just good for Flabby Seagull's much-abusive movie career, but a solid action vehicle in itself.

Maybe why it worked while Seagal's other movies were garbage is because Davis practically helms it in a guerilla warfare style of logic, much like earlier with John McTiernan's DIE HARD. Seagal's bullshit of quoting stale eastern philosophy and being fast while being a stoic smartass with the mouth....either missing or significantly downplayed.

But THE FUGITIVE would make, and unfortunately indicate the downhill start for Davis. Afterwards. Davis made the average-as-hell CHAIN REACTION, and the mediocre and quite shockingly lame & tame COLLATERAL DAMAGE.

Still Irish, go watch THE PACKAGE sometime. You might enjoy it.