NEW YORK STORIES is an interesting experiment: An anthology made by three proud and (once) great directors*.

Allen and Scorsese's segments work actually. But Coppola's segment SUCKED. I mean jesus, its such a train wreck, I can't believe the same man behind GODFATHER and APOCALYPSE NOW actually had the gaul to sign his name to this crap.

Besides, Scorsese's segment is his take on the personality of artists. We see a proclaimed master in Nick Nolte, but whats behind his magic? We never know. Hell, we think he's an asshole.

Of course, so was Picasso, and good ole Salvador Dali....what can I say?

*=Sorry Coppola, but JACK killed ya man!

BTW folks, Al Pacino will play Dali in an upcoming Nichols movie. That should be a hoot.