Originally Posted By: Double-J

Whether or not you or I agree on this, the judiciousness of this conflict is predicated on the Commander-in-Chief's duty to protect the United States.

Well said JJ. War was declared on our shores by the enemy on September 11th 2001. And there is no doubt in my mind that if the commander in chief of this country, along with the leaders of our allied nations had not made the decision to remove one of the head snakes from the middle east, that snake named Saddam would have eventually funded, supported or backed another attack on our country. Anyone who believes differently is only fooling themselves.

Even though public opinon has turned immensly on this administration, and the war in Iraq has not gone well, I still believe that it was the right thing to go into Iraq. I will alwyas stand by that decision.

Has the original strategy worked? As we are now seeing, it has not. And I am not faltering here because things are going bad, nor am I not flip flopping. I've said it over and over again, many times here right on these boards, almost since the time we went into Iraq, that I felt that the way this war was being fought was the wrong approach. We went in there without enough troops. We went in there thinking that we could fight a war with parameters. Parameters that would not offend the muslim world or the middle eastern people, but at the same time would put our own troops in harms way.

"You can fight in Iraq, but you cannot fire your weapon at a Mosque, even if you are getting fired upon from within that Mosque."

"You can put your life on the line, but you cannot interrogate someone who's just blown up a bus full of children, we don't want to offend anyone."

"You can win this war with 1/3 the troops than were used in Kuwait, which is no where near the size of Iraq."

That's all hogwash and it's a poor way to send our kids into a war to win. It's a recipe for disaster and eventual failure.

No one likes war, but unfortunately it is a part of life. And if the elected leaders of this country decide that we have to go to war in order to protect the or country, then it is their obligation not only to us, but those men and woman who are on the front lines, to provide them with the best weapons, the best strategy, and the right amount of troops needed in order to keep our casualties down and anihilate our enemies at the same time.

Our soldiers should not have politically correct restrictions placed on them when fighting in a battle zone. If our enemies choose to desicrate their own houses of worship by using them as a base of operations, to hide in, or to fire upon our troops, then our troops should blow those Mosques to smithereens if it means saving their own lives and taking another step towards winning the war. Why should our soldiers be forced to respect these houses of worship if the enemies who claim that these places are holy, desicrate them themselves? If the enemy cannot respect it's own house of worship, then our soldiers sure has hell shouldn't be forced to.

More troops should have been sent there from the very begining. Now it's almost like closing the barn door AFTER the horses have ran away.

As for what Boxer has said and done, Ronnie is right. Why is anyone surprised? She's just another politician touting her own agenda, just like the rest of them, republican or democrat, do.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.