Well, this should be interesting.

Oliver Stone will present his third, and hopefully last edit of his colossal box-office dud ALEXANDER, on DVD on Febuary 27th, with ALEXANDER REVISITED: THE FINAL CUT.

The theatrical and Director's Cut edits both showed ALEXANDER as a movie that Oliver Stone had lots of philosophy and ideas he wanted out of his own interpretation of the myth revolving arond Alexander the Great, but film-wise, were a mess. Some great shots and scenes that get washed out by....narrative vomit?1

However, the movie did great overseas, which was offset for getting cornholed in American theatres, but really good business on premium cable and on DVD seems to have let ALEXANDER break even.

Now with 45 more minutes, to make now for a 214 minute edit, I will give Stone another chance with this supposed "complete" edit of ALEXANDER. It's been a long time ago, but Stone was one of America's great directors. Hell, his hot streak from 1986(with the Oscar-winning PLATOON and SALVADOR) to 1995(ending with the brilliantly underrated NIXON) is rather remarkable. Nevermind that in those 9 years, he also gave us JFK.

He's been inconsistent since then, but I'll give him another chance. He deserves it.

Besides, the DVD cover of ALEXANDER REVISITED: FINAL CUT, unlike the those lame montage floating head covers of the previous versions, kicks ass.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 01/19/07 12:06 PM.