Originally Posted By: dontomasso
It is amazing that any Bush supporter would be "outraged" about someone making an unfair attack. Karl Rove George Bush and Dick Cheney have made careers our of smearing people's integrity, and patriotism. They are finally getting a dose of their own medicine, and it is about time.

Next up the no confidence vote coming in the Senate. I see there is talk that the right wingers are going to filibuster it. What a joke. These are the same people who wanted to abolish the filibuster so Bush could get that nazi Alito appolinted to the supreme court.

After that comes the vote to ban Bush from attacking Iran, which he will violate and then it will be IMPEACHMENT time. It cannot come soon enough.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Anything else from the peanut gallery?
