Flyboys **
(First Viewing)

The adventures of the Lafayette Escadrille, young Americans who volunteered for the French military before the U.S. entered World War I, and became the country's first fighter pilots.

Good special FX and aerial fights/shots but overall, I felt this was a poor attempt at trying to be a Disney movie. The movie tried so hard to be a "family movie" but yet didn't commit to it 100%. There was of course the sappy love story that appears to HAVE to be in ever war movie now (ENOUGH ALREADY!) and I just didn't buy some of what the movie was selling. For example, there is one African-American actor on the 6-man team, Eugene Skinner, and no one wants to room with him. So here comes James Franco's character, Blaine Rawlings, who's from Texas, who just happens to want to room with him. I'm sorry, I DON'T BUY IT! Skinner's father was a slave and here comes a good ol' boy from the deep south who wants to room with him!? Get the f*ck outta here with that sh*t. Don't spit on my cupcake and tell me it's frosting. Now don't get me wrong, James Franco did a fine job, but ultimately the poor guy doesn't have much of a career outside of the Spider-Man franchise.