Today I saw Gone With the Wind for the second time, on the big screen. First time round I was mightily impressed by its scope and detail; this time I was bored.

Gone With the Wind
Victor Fleming / George Cuckor / Sam Wood 1939 USA 2nd time; big screen
A stubborn heroine lives through the American Civil War, driven by her three passions - two are men, the other her homeland.
Grandiose treatment of an important time in American history, balancing the brutalities of Civil War with a complicated love story which has its ups and downs, and certainly moments of delight. But on the whole, it is a tiresome, rather frivolous affair, all effort and little reward. It is a crafted film, not an artistic one, for which the producer, not the director(s), should get all the merit. Can production values alone save a film, though? com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?