It's a done-at-home job, but I'd reccomend getting a someone to help, to make sure you get all those hidden spots, I have my mom do it.

The first time I ever dyed my hair, I dyed it purple. It didn't come out so well... Then my mom (who dyes her hair on a regular basis, only to more natural colors, of course) gave me some pointers. Allow me to share them:

-ALWAYS bleach your hair first. This one is a given, I think. If you just throw the dye in, it's just going to give your hair a very suddle tint.

-Once you get the dye in your hair, the directions usually say to leave it in for about 15 minutes before washing it out. Don't do that. From my expirience, the color NEVER sticks after 15 minutes. I usually leave the dye in for about 3-5 hours. I'd say four is a good number. So, make sure you choose a day that is wide-open to do this.

-After you have the dye in, and have distributed it to a level of satisfaction, I highly reccomend covering your head in a shower cap or fastening a plastic bag around your head. This will trap the dye in, and play a major role in the next tip.

-Alright, so, know your head it contained in some sort of plastic bedding. Try to equally distribute heat to your hair using a hair-dryer. I'd reccomend doing this for anywheres from 5-20 minutes at a time... The more heat you apply, the better. Do this several times with breaks in between (so you don't kill your hair) until you are ready to wash out the dye-product.

-Oh, I also reccomend purchasing some shampoo designed for artificially colored hair. It's what I use, and it really is beneficial, and helps your hair maintain its color without fading too severly, especially on the first couple of washes, because that's when you do lose a bit of color. This is an especially helpful product if you want to to dye your hair a color that is somewhere in the cold-color spectrum... Blues and greens seem to fade quickly. But I'd reccomend using this stuff either way.

Anyways, hope that all helps. I think you'd look cool as fuck if you were to dye your hair some funky color.

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."